Together at the Helm - Piano Sheets
  • Together at the Helm - Piano Sheets

Together at the Helm - Piano Sheets

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Together at the Helm is a song from A Piano Sailing piano album. The sea can be cruel, but a good crew can save the boat, and when there is harmony even a difficult situation can be faced with another spirit. Handling the helm together can be more difficult, but it gives greater emotions.

Be sure to consider first the "ALL MY PIANO SHEETS" offer

Together at the Helm is a song from A Piano Sailing piano album. The sea can be cruel, but a good crew can save the boat, and when there is harmony even a difficult situation can be faced with another spirit. Handling the helm together can be more difficult, but it gives greater emotions.

Be sure to consider first the "ALL MY PIANO SHEETS" offer for € 39 in the store.

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